This Website Does Not Reflect My Experience as a Christian

By Ms. Juliet Lamar

I think that my life/church experience certainly is not reflected in thoughts that you have expressed here.

It is very possible to always be watching for folks who need help. As a child I was taught about the importance of love, and demonstrating my beliefs my beliefs by behaving according to the instructions of Jesus. My parents were always helping people with various sorts of needs in very thoughtful quiet ways that no one was ever aware of. They taught me to let my light shine so as to be an uplifting example of how a Christian treats others.

My Dad, who never spoke about his religious beliefs in public, was approached many times over his career by coworkers wanting to know what made him tick. If asked, he would explain the teachings that guided his life.

I have two small examples of the sort of things they did:

When my mother was very elderly she continued to employ someone in our home who was really too old and sick to be working. Mother would give her simple tasks that could be done sitting down, as she wanted for the woman to feel that she she was working for her pay.

Time went by and that woman was too ill to leave her home. Mother called her every single night and read the Bible to her.

When my Dad was very old and sick and blind and Christmas was approaching, he sent me to the bank to get some nice crisp bills.

He was determined to give the man who collected our garbage a Christmas gift. I sat with him by the patio door and we waited...a long time. Daddy got to his waiting spot way too early as he was so concerned that he might miss this fellow. I knew my Dad was in physical discomfort, but we waited and chatted. When the truck stopped by our driveway, I motioned the fellow to come to the door where Dad thanked him for all his help, wished him a wonderful Christmas and put the money into his hand. Daddy died not long after.

I feel that you have painted Christian churches with a very broad brush. I am unaware that Jesus said exactly how we should go about helping our fellow man....through individual behavior, church groups...whatever.

Please check out the following web address: This Church opened in 1903. The church of my grandparents. Click through and you will find quite a large assortment of community help activities. The population of this church is not wealthy.

What Other Visitors Have Said:

Thank you - by Mo Johnson

Thank you Juliet for your kind and gracious words. I certainly apologize for anything on this website that doesn't reflect the wonderful impact that Jesus can have on people and communities. And, indeed he certainly does.

You referenced a United Methodist Church as a good example of a good Christian church and I heartily agree. By the way, I checked out the website you mentioned, seems to be a wonderful church.

Of all the protestant denominations, I think the Methodists are my favorite. I have no problem at all with the United Methodist Church. I only wish it was larger and more people were methodist.

You may not be aware, but many "Christians" on the right wing routinely criticize the methodist church as being too "liberal" and "forsaking the gospel." They dislike the Methodist's church' stands on social issues.

Because of this, leaders in conservative denominations (like the Southern Baptist Convention) often tell their flocks that the UMC has "lost it's way." I know people who would like to attend a methodist church, but they are caught up in families that would disown them if they did.

In large measure this site is actually devoted to defending and promoting the very values, beliefs and traditions of mainline protestant denominations, perhaps most especially, the Methodists. We seek to challenge the narrow theology that results in teaching people that methodists have "forsaken the gospel."

So, if you feel like this website is failing to do that in some way, please, tell me how so. I may well agree and change it.

Thanks again, you and your parents seem like wonderful people. It's not a surprise to me that you are a Methodist. You are a credit to your faith.

I'm just perplexed at your reaction to this site. Tell me more about that if you don't mind.


Btw, Morgan Guyton is one of my favorite methodists.

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