CNN's Piers Morgan Questions Christianity of Rick Santorum's Positions on Guns and ObamaCare

By Mo Johnson (Virginia)

The conservative blogosphere has been twittering about Piers Morgan asking Santorum if his positions on guns and health care are consistent with Christian beliefs. It seems conservatives are upset the questions are being asked.

Here's a verbatim transcript of the questions:

It raises the whole issue again of gun law in America. I'm aware most Republican candidates run a mile from this debate, but, given the shear number of cases now of people getting access to firearms who simply shouldn't have them and who then go on to commit these kind of crimes, is it time for a big review of gun law in America?

Let's talk about health care for a moment. Here's a question for you. You are a Christian famously. You are a Catholic famously. You would consider yourself, I'm sure, because of your religious beliefs, to be a caring and kind man by nature. That would be what you would be perceived to be as a man who follows your faith as well as you do.

How could you be happy, from that position, in telling 30 million Americans who are now hoping and expected to be brought under health care cover in America when they couldn't have afforded it otherwise: You're not going to get it. That is going to be my position, my first act as President would be to throw that out so you guys don't get health care.

I mean, that was a masterful political answer, but you didn't actually answer my question. What would you say, as a Christian, to 30 million people who are pretty impoverished - and that's why they've been brought into this health care cover by President Obama - what do you say to them? Look them in the eye and say, as a Christian, as a Catholic, "You can sling your hook, you're not going to get health cover."

Personally I think those are excellent questions. The interesting thing is that none of these sites are reporting the answers Santorum provided. That's what I'd really like to hear.

Here's where this was first reported: CNN's Morgan Presses Santorum on guns and health care.

Again, for some reason they simply complain about the questions being asked at all. Why don't they want to talk about Santorum's answers or the issues in question?

I've searched the web for a full transcript of the interview or a video of it on youtube, again to no avail. The site above has the video apparently, but it has been edited to take out Santorum's replies. Does anyone know what answers Rick Santorum gave?

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