It's not a Zero Sum Game

- by Mo (Montclair, VA)

My reply to conservative argument that wealth is not a zero sum game.

"Yes, of course it's not "zero sum" -- after all, there will always be the steve jobs or zuckerberg who invent some new thing and get rich. BUT, that's relatively rare. In America, we have today a poor record in class mobility. Fewer people rise from the bottom to the top here than in most other countries.

Here, most wealth gets passed down from generation to generation. It's pretty tough to start up a paper mill, coal plant, Walmart, Disney, etc, etc. Yes, it's certainly possible and many do -- but, I'm saying our system is more rigged than it should be. It's about 10,000 times easier for a rich kid to stay rich than for a poor kid to get rich. and those who do it, are usually not poor.

Both jobs and zuckerberg attended harvard, had wonderful educations and fairly well off parents. This is why we need government to provide as many as possible with the kind of education that allowed Apple and Facebook to be created. We need more socialism -- it's as simple as that.

If you need me to prove to you that today socialist countries have higher class mobility than we do -- let me know and i'll take the time to find the studies. or just google it yourself. the information is readily available. it's amazing how the conservative dominated press allows the myth of American class mobility to propagate. i suppose it's the kind of feel good story that makes people buy magazines. it isn't reality though. it would be better if we dealt more in reality and less in fantasy."

Comments for It's not a Zero Sum Game:

Americans have Health Care and access to higher Education - by Marta Garcia

I think there is more opportunity here in America than anywhere else in the world. I have lived in third world countries and have relatives in Europe and Asia. There is none like the USA. I am content not being wealthy, not even rich. I am 71 and work more than 10 hours a day. I am happy. I would like to see all Americans have Health Care and access to higher Education.

I would like the Super- wealthy to still be super wealthy, but to pay their fair share of taxes. I want them to keep American money in America. I want them to recycle their profits by opening more jobs and instead of being oligarchs and power hungry, I want them to be philanthropists, and noble. Like the song says " America, America, May God thy gold refine, Till all success be nobleness, And every gain divine" I am grateful for this country.

Access to Good Health Care and Education - by Mo

Thanks, you make many good points. And I also agree that we offer more opportunity than many countries. However, the truth is that most European countries, all Scandinavian countries for instance, have more upward mobility than we do in America. So, I just think we can get better.

But, the main way is by doing the things you suggest -- ensuring all have access to good health care and education. That means more "socialized government" involvement to one degree or another.

Small Countries Do - by Jessie Martin Foster Sr.

Only the Small Countries Do. Not the Big Countries like Germany France Italy Spain Great Britton, Poland, they are Bank Rupt, Broke, You are the one that Doesn't Understand Socialism .

Northern Europe are Doing Great - by Mo

Jessie Martin Foster Sr. - you can't paint "socialist" countries or "capitalist" countries with a broad brush. Yes, the socialist countries in Southern Europe have financial problems. However, those in northern Europe are doing great, much better than we are -- Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden -- all beat us in nearly every measure of prosperity--including economic mobility. Germany also beats us in most measures.

Somalia is the best example we have of a true "free market" economy. I doubt anyone wants that for us.

Every other industrialized country has "socialized" medicine and every single one spends much, much less than we do on health care. We spend now about 18% of our GDP on health care. It's the #1 cause of deficits at local, state and federal levels -- as well as individual bankruptcies. We could save a trillion a year if we converted to a single payer, government managed "socialized" health care.

Anyone who does not support single-payer, government managed health care is not serious about deficit reduction (or social justice).

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